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Packages are created to take the guess work out of preparing for new parenthood, but these are adaptable to your needs at any point during your journey. You are also welcome to book ad hoc support using hourly rates to tailor support to your specific needs.

Please get in touch to chat about your needs or to book a free 30 minute consultation.

Roots Package - Birth and Postnatal Planning

Sally-Ann creating mood board as part of antenatal planning

Creating a birth plan is not about the final written sheet of paper, but it is about the journey to making those informed choices. Finding out you are pregnant can be overwhelming and you may find that you are lost with how, when and which choices to make. Everyone seems to have different advice and you aren't sure what to do for the best. Sometimes it can feel like there aren't any choices at all. I am here to help you to cut through the noise, chat through the choices and lay a solid foundation of knowledge leading up to your baby's birth and your early days together. I can support you to plan for your birth and early postnatal period. This option is available as in-person support or virtual video support with a free PDF planning tool to use if you wish. 

Prices start from £45 per session.

Contact via or 07854684233


Canopy Package - Birth Support

Local doulas meeting together

From antenatal planning support right through your birth and extending postnatally, support is there for you every step of the way. With this package, you have in person support as well as virtual support whenever you need, including an on call period from 38 weeks covering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you are supported throughout your labour, however this looks for you. Following birth, support is there to settle you into feeding and recovery and ensure you feel safe, returning to you postnatally to allow you space to talk about your birth experience and support you with any feeding challenges, signposting where needed and offering any other support where needed during this visit, to allow you and your baby the best start together. This could be emotional support, meal preparation, managing home life with older siblings, domestic duties... the list goes on. 

As Doulas, we thrive on connection, community and collaboration which has allowed me to be able to offer a Shared Birth Support Package. Working with trusted local doulas, we can draw upon our unique skillsets and experiences to offer a collaboration to support you through your pregnancy, birth and beyond. Get in touch to see if this option is right for you.

Prices start from £1000 and bespoke packages are available.​​​​

Contact via or 07854684233

Blossom Package - Postnatal Support

First postnatal visit after birth, holding new baby

The birth of your baby is the birth of you as a mother, a parent and a whole new person. "Matrescence" has been described as a transformation similar to adolescence, involving a significant shift in identity. This time can be incredible, amazing, messy, emotional and oh so full of love. Having someone take care of things around you so that you can take care of your new baby and navigate the intensity of new parenthood can ease this transitionary period and allow you the space to recover, learn, grow and bond as a new family. Support can involve feeding support, signposting, light domestic duties, companionship, help with older siblings, emotional support and listening, birth debrief and support for you to take time to shower, sleep, eat. Having had my first baby in lockdown, I understand the vulnerability of feeling and being isolated in this period and sometimes this is easily overlooked. I offer a complimentary planning session with the block bookings listed below. If you would like to discuss options for support during this period, please get in touch via or 07854684233

Available in blocks of 3 weeks or as ad hoc support

3 sessions per week for 3 weeks - £600 OR

1 session per week for 3 weeks - £200 OR

£18 per hour.

Virtual Support

Life can be busy and sometimes it can feel impossible to add things to our to-do list, especially when preparing for a baby. Maybe just having someone you can ask questions to as and when they arise or someone to debrief midwife appointments with would suit you better. It can be hard to digest and process information when you are dashing to appointments from work or the school run and then feeling that next level pregnancy fatigue. If it sounds ideal to have someone in your phone you can just whatsapp, voicenote or quickly call, I can offer this too. 

Prices from £40 per month.

Contact via or 07854684233

*Doula support is for everyone. Flexible payment plans are available to suit various budgets and some discounts can be applied. Please get in touch to discuss your needs, finances should not be a barrier to your support. Gift Vouchers are also available.

All packages subject to availability. Mileage charged 40p per mile over 20 miles from my home address. Ad hoc support offered as a minimum booking of 3 hours

A Quick Note About Mentorship...

I am currently working under the supervision of a wonderful, experienced mentor as I gather experience and skills through working with families. This means that my mentor is on hand to support me as I support you. With your permission, she will request your consent for me to share anonymised information with her to improve my learning or go to her for support with any challenges I may encounter. You are also welcome to contact her if you feel this is necessary.

©2022 by The Willow Tree Doula. Proudly created with

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