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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Doula?

I'm not sure what support I will need. Can I still book with you?

A doula is a trained companion, able to provide informational, emotional and practical support through pregnancy, labour and postnatally. Just as each baby, birth, mother, family and journey are different, doulas each have their own uniqueness. They will work with their families to establish what support they would like throughout.

What benefits does a postnatal doula bring?

A postnatal doula will hold space for you and your partner to debrief your birth experiences, chat through any feelings you may have about becoming parents and signpost you to other sources of support if necessary. They can offer practical support to help you heal, rest, bond and nourish your new family. Most importantly, they listen and empower.

Of course! We don't know what we need until we need it, right? I am more than happy block off a minimum requirement with the view to extend this period if needed. The services detailed are by no means exhaustive or restrictive and can change even once your package has commenced, depending on the needs of your new team. What's most important is that you feel in safe and supportive hands, whatever that looks like for you.

What is a mentored doula?

Choosing to follow the Doula UK recognition process requires that new doulas work under the supervision of an experienced doula until they have gained sufficient knowledge and experience to become 'recognised'. For this reason, mentorship allows for reduced costs, valuable support for the mentored doula and the added security for the families they choose to work with of an experience doula on hand to support from afar.

I don't think I can afford a doula. Does that mean I can't have one?

It doesn't! If you choose a doula who you think could support you, don't hesitate to contact them. Many doulas are happy to discuss flexible payment terms, skills swaps or reduced rates. We believe that support for new families should be accessible to all, and we do our best to accommodate all financial situations as best we can, whilst also ensuring we can support our own families. Please get in touch to see what can be offered.

How long can we hire a postnatal doula for?

However long you feel you need. Most will find a natural conclusion to the doula-family relationship. A postnatal doula never intends to overshadow you or your partner/support network, take over or have you depend on us. It is to simply allow you a smooth and loving transition into parenthood, working alongside you and your support network until you feel confident and content to continue without our physical presence. Only you can decide that.

Won't having a doula replace/reduce my partners role?

You and your partner decide what your roles are and these will align with your own personal beliefs and values. We naturally fulfil our familial roles in an intrinsic way. A doula is there to ensure you feel comfortable to do this, whether you are a birthing parent or non-birthing parent. We are not there to replace the role of the non-birthing parent, but more to facilitate their ability to give their focus, love and attention to their partner and the newest addition to the family and feel their way through the transition themselves.

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